What You Learn at Top Tier K9
What you learn at Top Tier K9
1. How to start and run your own dog training business (without wasting your money on a franchise)
2. How to train pets using a balanced approach to dog training
3. How to communicate effectively with customers and earn their trust
4. How to sell, and make profit in the dog training industry
5. How to train Foundation Dogs® (the greatest dogs on the planet)
6. How to finish Foundation Dogs® as service dogs (and service dogs that protect), as police/military K9, as protection dogs, as virus detection dogs, as search & rescue dogs, as sports dogs...and so much more

Who is attracted to the Top Tier K9 program? Professionals are attracted to Top Tier K9. Why? because our programs are the best in the world and we focus on the science and the art of dog training and business development. Our students include lawyers, doctors, surgeons, veterinarians, teachers, school administrators, engineers, scientists, law enforcement professionals, professors, elected officials, military members, entrepreneurs, plumbers, mechanics, electricians...people who love dogs and want to turn their passion into a dog training business.
But what if you want to buy a franchise? Do it...and a Top Tier K9 certified trainer in your community will blow your doors off. Why waste $50K and 8% of all your future profits on a franchise when you can learn to train pets and start your own pet training business, flying the flag of "Certified Top Tier K9 Dog Trainer" for less than $6K??? The Top Tier K9 brand is the best in the world because we treat people right and we treat dogs with respect. Franchise owners come to Top Tier K9 begging for trainers...and get this...begging for us to train demo dogs for THEM...they don't even know how to train their own dogs...go with the best! Top Tier K9. Dog training has proven to be recession proof and now...pandemic proof (did you hear??? Top Tier K9 trained the world's first COVID-19 detection dog...click here to see the Oliver North Interview and click here to see the COVID-19 episode on Unleashed K9- dogs without limits).
Tired of working for the sake of security? Tired of hating your job? Do you love dogs????? Do you want to jump up each day totally pumped to get started? Then let Top Tier K9 teach you how to transition from your current job into a life of self-employment as a dog trainer.
Next class starts 25 May 2021. Visit www.TopTierK9.com and learn why we are the #1 dog trainer school in the word. (Foundation Dog is a registered trademark of Top Tier K9....and the picture is real, not photo shopped..taken by the "then" producer of the TV series "Mountain Men")