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Springtime at Top Tier K9

May 11th capped the start of one of the most productive months in Top Tier K9 History! We are running on all 8 cylinders and each of our programs are going through a quality assurance review in an effort to continue to improve what has already been recognized as one of the top dog training programs in the world. Pet Trainer Classes: 19 pet trainers will arrive Monday the 15th for their shot at becoming Top Tier K9 certified pet trainers. 22 students are signed up for the June 1st pet trainer class and their certification attempt will be July 31st.

Foundation Dog® Training: 6 students certified yesterday as Top Tier K9 Foundation Dog® Trainers and 6 new students began their Journey in the current Foundation Dog® Trainer class that began May 1st. Our litters on the ground program provided 5 puppies from amazing litters.

Service Dog Masters Class: 7 students will finish their service dog trainer masters class next Tuesday. The class worked a project that delivered a service dog to a client of Top Tier K9. The service dog that also protects is named "Gamma" and the owner (Trevor) has a list of disabilities a page long. Trevor was exposed to radiation as a child that was 7-9 times greater than would be used today on an adult for treatment of a brain tumor. Trevor has spent the last 40 years developing excruciating cancers and diseases associated with this mass exposure to radiation as a child. Trevor lost his K9 companion last year and was desperately searching for a new dog. Nobody would help him. Not a single charity would assist him with a service dog. 7 weeks after contacting us at Top Tier K9, Trevor had his service dog and received world class training himself on how to keep and manage his service dog that also protects. The class of students had the privilege of being involved in the entire process to assist them in producing service dogs for their clients. 2 of the students are Top Tier K9 franchisees (Ken and Julie) at Top Tier K9 - Bradenton Fl and Top Tier K9 - Greenwood Indiana. These 2 franchises are "level 2" franchises that can not only train pets, but prepare and deliver service dogs through the franchise system.

Protection Dog Masters: Our protection dog masters class begins June 27th and will include the "Build a Battle Buddy" program and the "K9 Warriors for Women" program. There will be a decoy seminar during this 10 week program that will be used to launch the new Top Tier K9 Decoy/Helper Master's Program. The new decoy/helper program will include classes at every level of learning. Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis and Synthesis. This will be the first decoy training program in the industry that is aligned with effective and proven levels of learning and will include testing at each level. the dog industry is in dire need of certified decoys outside of the pattern training that takes place to satisfy the sport world and is dedicated to working dogs from puppy stage through adolescence and into sexual maturity including prey driven training and transitioning, as required, into civil work. There is mass confusion in the industry as to what a protection dog is and most trainers and schools don't even share basic definitions. Top Tier K9 is taking on the arduous chore of developing a measurable, quality training program to help define the tasks and education necessary to be a successful decoy/helper. Look for this Masters course to be available winter 2023.

Franchise System: Our Franchise system received a minor makeover for the April 30th update. The updated franchise system includes information on level 2 franchises for the training and sales of protection dogs and service dogs, cleans up some of the confusion associated with payment processes, and integrates the metaverse into the franchise offerings, and increases the price for the initial franchise license. All Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDDs) received prior to April 30th that were not executed by April 30th, will be subject to the new rules and prices. Potential franchisees will need to receive the updated FDD prior to launching a new To Tier K9 franchise.

Virtual Reality Dog Training Center: Our newest release of our Virtual Reality Dog Training Center (V3.2) was launched Tuesday May 9th. All current VR users receive this update for free. New users will receive the updated release as the primary download onto their Oculus/Meta headsets. There are many enhancements to the newest release focused on user experience and engagement as well as the addition of a library that allows the user to enter with their service dog and have access to a wealth of dog training literature, videos, and interaction. This integrated and interactive learning platform will grow weekly allowing VR users to have new and exciting additions each time they put on their headsets and travel to the Top Tier K9 - Metaverse Franchise. The only interactive dog training center in the metaverse. Users can find all Top Tier K9 franchisees and our certified affiliates and can communicate with Top Tier K9 without removing their headsets. Enhancements were also made to the selection process and laser control that creates a vibration based on selective pattern to help users who are color-blind navigate the system. Our pinch collar is now easier to put on the virtual dog for support of those with depth perception challenges. There is now an option to experiment with the Top Tier K9 Virtual Reality Dog Training Center for 15 minutes, for free, prior to buying the application.

Foundation Dog® is a registered trademark of Top Tier K9, LLC



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Foundation Dog® and Top Tier K9® are registered Trademarks of Top Tier K9, LLC all rights reserved

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