Protect your family and your property
Will 911 answer your call when trouble starts? Can you still buy a gun? Is ammunition available for that gun? Many people in America are not prepared to handle a car jacking, a home invasion, an attack on a loved one in a parking lot, or even being confronted while out at dinner by communist groups hell bent on our destruction.
The state of Florida has made it legal to shoot looters and protect your business. You are now exempt from criminal prosecution if you run over people blocking the road. It is getting very serious, very dangerous and we are each responsible for our own security, for the security of ourselves, our families and our property.
One of the greatest additions to personal security is the integration of protection dogs into your arsenal. Even greater; service dogs that also protect as an early warning system and rapid response solution to any threat of self, family and property.
Top Tier K9 is the only source in the world for Foundation Dogs® finished as protection dogs; finished as service dogs that also protect. The dogs are ready, we teach you how to manage the dogs and we provide ongoing training and support for you and your dog.
Sleep better at night knowing Top Tier K9 is protecting you and your family. Have your dog beside you at work, in the car when the family travels, or waiting on the kids to arrive home from school. Service dogs that also protect can be beside their owners anywhere and everywhere they go.
Mobility support, PTSD support, Diabetic alert, Autism mitigation, Virus detection, Allergen alert...imagine a dog performing these services for you and your loved ones and ALSO being fully trained and capable of stopping the bad guys. It's a specialty of Top Tier K9 and our Foundation Dog program makes it all possible.
We have dogs available, ready to be integrated into your business, home, and family. Contact us through our website at
Unleashed: Dogs without limits aired an episode about Top Tier K9, our COVID-19 detection dog program and our Service dogs that also protect. You can watch that episode here.
Foundation Dog® is a registered trademark of Top Tier K9,LLC though the US patent and trademark office.