Confirmed 9 GSD puppies
Bea, a Top Tier K9 GSD is confirmed with 9 puppies due on the 4th of January, 2025.

The breeding is Bea/Turbo with both dogs on property. We anticipate social puppies with working drives.
Our Litters on the ground program allows you to acquire a trained GSD from this litter. Each training phase is 4 weeks long so the earliest age you can take possession of the puppy is 12 weeks old. The training includes 4 functions with certifications for the phase level completed. There are 4 phases for certified service dogs, protection dogs, and special security dogs.
A Phase 1 certified puppy has started tracking, searching for target odor, on leash obedience and bite development for protection work. Check out the process at
Give us a call at (850) 909-2409 if you are interested in obtaining a trained pup.
We have 5 Phase 3 Certified Malinois/Dutchies available from our slash/maker and Chaos/dark litters. (their phase 3 certification is January 4th and they are all doing extremely well in the program) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Start the year off with an amazing working dog at Top Tier K9: Recognized as the world's greatest dog training company! We train pets and working dogs and have a world-class academy for dog trainers for those who want to become dog trainer and start their own businesses!