Certified Master Pet Trainer Program
Top Tier K9 is pleased to announce the release of our new Master Pet Trainer program, an educational experience for Top Tier K9 Certified Pet Trainers. This program is free to current Top Tier K9 Franchisees and is now included in our license agreement for new franchises.
Class starts June 24th and will meet every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for 3 weeks from 10am - Noon EST. The program includes managing and training dogs with severe behavioral issues and advanced communications processes for the owners of these dogs.
Once the course has been completed, a certification test will be made available for those who successfully complete the class and remain in good standing with the company. This includes annual requirements for ongoing education in the maintenance of the certification. All Top Tier K9 certified Master dog trainers will be required to complete ongoing training in the maintenance of their certifications.
Franchisees will receive ongoing Zoom support from our certified Master trainers in the management and training of dogs and owners within the franchise system. Educating owners is a key component of our franchise and the new Masters Certification in Pet Training with further differentiate the quality of Top Tier K9 Certified Locations throughout the country. Visit www.TopTierK9.com to sign up for the class. Franchisees will receive priority placement in the class followed by employees of franchisees and then certified Pet Trainers in good standing with the company.