2025 Kickoff Top Tier K9
Jan/Feb addition of Tallahassee Magazine has a great article about Top Tier K9® and our approach to training both the dog and the owner. With validation in the publication of Florida's Best Pet Training and recognition as the World's Greatest dog training company, the article brings together the training of the dogs and our equally successful handler and dog trainer training programs through the Top Tier K9® Academy for Dog trainers. (www.TopTierK9.com)

Nine German Shepherds are on the ground. These should be very nice dogs. The parents have all necessary health testing: PennHIP, OFA Elbows, SV, and Paw Print Genetics panels. Both Bea and Turbo have excellent drives and off switches to accompany their health testing. 5 of the 9 are already locked in to Tier 3 certified training packages and the other 4 will will not last long. We don't advertise until healthy dogs are on the ground and they are only 5 days old.

Next up will be Golden Retrievers. They are all spoken for and a waiting list for the next breeding has already started. Franchises have priority 1 and students are 2 with traditional buyers 3 on the priority list. If you want to move up on the priority list, commit through a franchise and work with a Master trainer in your local community (Priority 1). We have 4 left (Mal/Dutchie) from the 22 puppies. 1 is certified Tier 2 and the others are all Tier 3 certified Foundation Dogs as of January 4th, 2025. (www.TopTierK9.com/litters-on-the-ground )
Our new customer communication app is working very well for our corporate and franchise locations. You can download the app from our website and choose the franchise location closest to you. Learn about Top Tier K9 and dog training processes right from your iPhone or Android phone.

Our Next Foundation Dog® trainer class begins 1 March 2024 with the new litter of German Shepherd Puppies. There are only 4 left so if you want to start that class you need to commit to one of these puppies immediately, they will not last long.
Next Pet Trainer Class begins 9 January with day and night options. We have 1 seat left for day class and 4 seats left for night class. Sign up on the front of www.TopTierK9.com Top Tier K9® and Foundation Dog® are registered trademarks owned by Top Tier K9, LLC all rights reserved