"Pre-Coy" Camp 19-20 March 2016

Join us, along with Chris Williams, one of the producers of the hit TV show "Mountain Men", and expert decoy/helper Mr. Jake Kemp of Mountain State K9 Academy in Madison Florida on 19-20 March 2016 and learn how to be a decoy/helper in the training of working dogs. This program is for trainers and interested parties who want to learn the foundations of being a decoy in our professionally developed training program as well as advanced decoy work (for you old heads) under the watchful eye of certified decoys. Our "Pre-coy" program begins at 9am on Saturday and includes hands on work with 4 month old "puppies" and then advanced dogs through the afternoon. Sunday will start with a questions and answers lab with demonstrations to support audience levels of learning. We will be demonstrating our "Puppy to protector" program as well as offering breakout sessions in advanced training techniques, business development, and project management. We will have a public demonstration of protection dogs and you will get to see what people are looking for in the development of protection dogs. Price is $350 for the 2 day pre-coy seminar. Come without a dog and focus on learning how to be on the helper side of building protection dogs:
Introduction to prey and defense drives and how they are managed in bite work
Proper loading and managing the load during bite work (you and the dog)
What is pressure and how does a decoy/helper use and manage it
Equipment for protection training
How to train a dog when a decoy/helper is not available
You will practice with our 4 month old puppies and 2 year old protection dogs and experience high and low prey drives and different tolerances to pressure to help you comprehend the training.
Tie backs and drive building
Sleeve bites on and off line Targeting through drag ins
Introduction and management of distractions
We will then conduct full demonstrations on advanced bite work using a certified decoy in front of a live audience for you to see and experience. These are demonstrations for protection dogs where you will experience audience reactions, questions and responses. This program is not a sport program and will include local law enforcement participation. This is how to train a working dog not just handle a working dog.