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Litters on the Ground

It all starts with a great puppy from our nation-wide breeding program.

Understanding the difference between a professional breeder and a backyard breeder is paramount to reducing the stress and risk associated with obtaining a great puppy to start your journey of dog ownership.  Increase your chance of a long, happy, and healthy relationship with your dog by doing it all right...or don't get a working dog at all.  

As of 1 August 2024 puppies can no longer be imported into America.  A dog must now be 6 months old for import.  All professional working dog trainers know that the first 16 weeks of a dog's life is the most important time for training, for imprinting, and creating a super dog: a Foundation Dog®:  a Top Tier K9®

In preparation for this new challenge in America, Top Tier K9 invested heavily in our breeding program so that world-class puppies can be available to our customers, our students, and our franchisees for training and finishing as service dogs, protection dogs, and special security dogs (virus detection, bomb detection, hostage rescue, special military needs, and VIP protection).  Customers can acquire a trained puppy/dog once it has, at least, completed phase 1 of our Foundation Dog® Training at any of our level 2 certified locations across the country. 


Puppies are included in the purchase of training packages.  Buyers participate in the phase development training via Zoom, every Saturday.  Our inventory of finished dogs from the past is listed on Foundation Dogs On Hand.  We have streamlined the acquisition process using Six Sigma quality assurance techniques to ensure inventory and quality remain stellar. If you want a Top Tier K9® you can purchase one already trained, learn to train your own, or watch us train one for you.

Our breeders live, and our whelping processes take place, in multiple states to avoid violating any local or individual state laws.

If you are late to the game, didn't already know about the World's Greatest Dog Training Company, just finding us, It's OK, contact us and see how many dogs we have available and at what Tier/Phase they are certified for acquisition.  We can catch you up on your handler/owner training.  You will simply have missed some of the fun in watching the puppies train, mature, and grow in their skills.  We never stop training a dog.

Next Litter are Golden Retrievers:  Reason/Rory pups will be on the ground approximately May 1, 2025.









This will be followed by Velari and Bea Summer 2025:  Brought to you by Top Tier K9 and Magnifiscent K9













Current puppies/training in progress

Bea/Turbo Litter on the Ground:  9 puppies born 12/29/2025 (Sold Out)

  • Belgian Malinois On the Ground entering Tier 2 (3 available) Next breeding is April 2025

  • Dutch Shepherds On the Ground entering Tier 2 (2 available) Next breeding is April 2025

  • German Shepherds Breeding  On the Ground Now (1/1/2025) training starts March 1st, 2025

  • Golden Retrievers (spring 2025)


Step 1:  Contact us at (850) 909-2409
Step 2:  Determine what certification level you want for your Foundation Dog (prices listed below)

Step 3:  Complete the Video Subscription "Foundation Dog Training"

Step 4:  Sign up for the first available phase of training for the litter you are participating in


We don't sell puppies.  We sell training packages and the puppy is included at no charge.  We only run this program based on our own litters.  Since this is a large group of participating franchises and master dog trainers, all puppies must be of the same age in the program.​​​​​


Phase/Tier 1 training of the GSD puppies from Bea/Turbo begins March 1st 2025.  Approved buyers can watch all the puppies being trained in a live webinar each Saturday from 2-4pm EST for 4 weeks (for phase 1 and 4 weeks for each subsequent phase).  Approved buyers can participate in this program (not required).  Meet the trainers and watch the litters going through Foundation Dog® training in real time!! $550 per Tier/phase (this is not included in the price of the Dog training package, this is a separate fee and is optional).  New buyers can sign up during any Tier/phase time. 

Call NOW to secure your spot/puppy (850) 321-3253

March 1st - March 22, 2025

April 5th - April 26, 2025

May 3 - May 24, 2025

May 31 -  through completion


Slash/Maker and Chaos/Dark began on October 5th 2024 and 22 pups certified on 4 January 2025!.  Approved buyers can watch all the puppies from both litters being trained in a live webinar each Saturday from 4-6pm EST for 6 weeks (for phase 1 and 4 weeks for each subsequent phase).  Approved buyers can participate in this program.  Meet the trainers and watch the litters going through Foundation Dog training in real time!! $550 per Tier/phase (this is not included in the price of the Dog training package, this is a separate fee).  New buyers can sign up during any Tier/phase time. 


January 11 - Feb 1st, 2025

Maker and Slash.jpg
Our System

Our unique training and testing processes, developed specifically to create advanced working dogs (Foundation Dog® program) that live long and healthy lives, is proven, trademarked, and without peer.  Our breeding program (Litters on the Ground) ensures quality puppies available to our current students for their Foundation Dog Trainer class and for our Franchisees for ongoing development of service dogs, protection dogs and special security dogs for their clients.

We breed and build for perfection, to have certified Foundation Dogs that are ready to be finished out for customers specific needs or used as demonstration dogs for our businesses across the nation.

Through this Trademarked and quality first approach to dog training, we have  developed our own breeding program in support of the Top Tier K9 Academy for Dog Trainers, Top Tier K9 Franchisees and our customers.

It Starts with a Great Puppy

We have worked with many students who attempted to acquire great working line puppies for use in their education at our Academy for Dog Trainers.  They call dozens of breeders to try and find a good puppy that will actually work in protection, as virus detection dogs, search & rescue, police/military work or as a service dog.  It is almost impossible to find a great puppy and certainly harder to find a great puppy when a buyer wants it NOW, and with no consideration for the training of the dog.  Since it is now illegal to import a puppy under 6 months old, solid working line puppies are increasing in value, and costs.

Top Tier K9 has a world class breeding program in support of our students and Franchises.  We do not sell our puppies untrained to the public.  These puppies are bred specifically for the training program taught at our school, the Foundation Dog® training program that trains a dog to be expert at tracking, scent detection, advanced obedience and protection.  A multi-purpose K9, ready then to be finished as a family/executive protection dog, military/LE K9, service dog (service dogs that also protect), and/or special security dogs like virus detection dogs.  Foundation Dogs were the first dogs on the planet to be able to hunt for and indicate on the COVID-19 virus, they set the bar for all future deployments of virus detection dogs.

If you want one of these beauties, you can acquire one at any Tier/phase level of training from Top Tier K9 Corporate or from many of our franchises across the nation.  Using a franchise ensures you have ongoing training and support available for your Top Tier K9 from a local trainer and that local trainer owns a Top Tier K9 Certified Location with ongoing support from Top Tier K9 - Corporate.

How it works:


Our breeders are hand selected from our inventory of Foundation Dogs and from working lines across the globe that pass our rigorous standards.  Adult males and females that are the best of the best in tracking, scent detection, protection and advanced obedience. 

The ones with the best disp
osition, the best temperament, and the best performance in the field make up our on-site breeders.

Pawprint Genetics testing helps ensures we are starting with the healthiest parents available.  Dams and Sires that are not affected by any of the breed specific diseases that can be detected. This is imperative to a safe and healthy breeding program.

PennHIP Testing.  Hips are tested for the laxity in the hips to give us the highest confidence that dysplasia is not carried by our breeding males and females.

OFA Elbows and Hips:  In addition to the advanced Pennhip testing on the hips, elbows are also tested through OFA and probable OFA hip results are included in the Pennhip testing.

The litters are nurtured, tested and trained from day one.  Exposure to varying temperatures, surfaces, and sounds through a process that helps us fully understand each puppy and to bring the most out of each puppy as an individual.  Pack and individual development is part of our Litters on the Ground program.

Foundation Dog® Training:


Our Litters are separated at the right time and as early as their development allows.  Each puppy is assigned to a trainer and the 4 phased Foundation Dog® training begins.  Building amazing working dogs from the ground up.  Once phase 3 is completed, the dogs are ready to be finished for their buyers, or finished as a demo dog for the trainer's dog training business,  All finishing work is part of our Master's programs.  A trainer must be a Top Tier K9 certified Master Dog Trainer to finish Foundation Dogs for their clients.  Top Tier K9 - Corporate tests and certifies all Foundation Dogs for quality, health and process compliance. 

All level 2 Top Tier K9 Franchises (as well as Top Tier K9 - Corporate) are your "go to trainers" for Certified Foundation Dog
® phase development and finishing programs that create Top Tier K9s.

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Top Tier K9 Foundation Dogs

Top Tier K9 Foundation Dogs

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Malinois/Dutch Shepherd Breeding Program

Current Litters available and next breeding will be April 2025

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Slash Litter on The Ground.jpg
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German Shepherd Dog (GSD) Breeding Program


Top Tier K9 - "Bea"  female GSD proven producer.  Tracking, scent detection protection and advanced obedience.  She will be bred with Top Tier K9 - "Turbo" this fall.

Health tested, hips solid (SV and PennHIP)


Top Tier K9 - "Velari"  Male GSD proven producer.  Tracking, scent detection protection and advanced obedience.  He will be bred with Top Tier K9 - "Tapps" this fall.

Health tested, hips solid (SV and PennHIP)


Top Tier K9 - "Turbo"  Male GSD proven producer.  Tracking, scent detection protection and advanced obedience.  He will be bred with Top Tier K9 - "Bea" this fall.

Health tested, hips solid (SV and PennHIP)


Top Tier K9 - "Tapps"  Female GSD.  Tracking, scent detection protection and advanced obedience.  She will be bred with Top Tier K9 - "Velari" this fall.

Health tested, hips solid (PennHIP)

© Copyright 2015 - 2024 Top Tier K9. All rights reserved. The Gold Standard of the Dog Training Industry - Contact us Address: 3011 Garcon Point Rd.  Milton Fl 32583 / +1 (850) 909-2409

Foundation Dog® and Top Tier K9® are registered Trademarks of Top Tier K9, LLC all rights reserved

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